Motoring away from Dielette.
We left Dielette at 06.30h to have enough water under the keel and hit the Alderney Race at the turn of tide.
Au revoir France
The sea was flat, with just 5 kts of wind on the nose. So we motor sailed to the the Race, and powered on through to the channel at up to 11kts.
Essential to time the Race
With tide in our favour we made sold speed eastward, making 50 miles in 7hrs. But when the tide turned the pace dropped with the wind and the engine employed for the final 20 miles.
Flying across the Channel at 9kts SOG with 12kts of wind
Arrivng at the Solent the wind had dropped off completely, we had a really calm motor on mirror flat water, we entered Southampton Water at about 21.00h and finally arrived at Hythe 22.00, with 104 miles behind us.
Southampton Water
Next leg Round the Island Race 1 July.
Mr Blue Sky sporting RTI race stickers