Isles Chausey

Hendrix a spec in the hazy distance

Hendrix a spec in the hazy distance

Mr Blue Sky bid farewell to Hendrix and crew as they set sail for the Guernsey and then on home to Brixham, a forecast of strong wind at the end of the week forced an early retirement.

Mr Blue Sky on the other hand set a course ENE for the Isles of Chausey, a small rocky Island ten miles WNW off the coast of Granville in Normandy. There was only 2 kts of wind so it was engine all the way, one benefit of the glass top sea was we were able to spot a pod of dolphins, and they were the largest we'd seen to date.

Good for rowing not for sailing – glass sea

Good for rowing not for sailing – glass sea

Chausey is nothing more than a few fishermans cottages similar to a Scottish Croft, a Hotel and a light house. There are no motorised vehicles, just Shanks Pony for transport.

Approaching Chausey, looks like the Chinese Navy are in town.

Approaching Chausey, looks like the Chinese Navy are in town.

With a twelve metre tide flowing we were not able to stay long, so just caught a mooring bouy for lunch, then set sail for Granville, this time with some wind and boat speed of 5 kts SOG, perfect to time our approach 1.5h before high water.

Leaving Chausey

Leaving Chausey

Granville came into view about three miles out through the sea haze, as always a welcome sight after a day at sea.

First sight of Granville

First sight of Granville