Mackerel Sky’s and mares tails tall ships set small sails.
After much deliberation, should we or shouldn't we, cross the remaining stretch of the channel that is, due to wind over tide conditions that the crew were not relishing after the last passage.
Anyway at 11.00 with the tide in our favour we set off to round the Plateau Des Minquiers (Minkes). We found with drift we were just able to hold a close haul giving us up to 7.5 knots SOG, but mostly 3-4 knots as forecast the wind died. Finally after rounding the Plateau the wind deserted us altogether and the iron sail was deployed once again.
Dusk in Saint Malo
Pan-Pan! Hendrix felt a vibration, then a shudder. Skipper Bob sprung from his slumber to stop the engine, with some forward and stern thrusting the remains of a pot bouy rope spat out the back, a relieved Hendrix motored on, very close call.
Finaly arriving at Saint Malo at 20.00, top of the tide as planned, we searched the marina for a suitable berth, but due to a YC rally all visitors space was taken, so we rafted on a hammer head and settled down to a few cold ones.
More Gold Coast than opal coast
Saint Malo was virtually destroyed during the war, but rebuilt stone for stone back to the original condition, a really remarkable town and definitely worth a visit.
RAF at their best – bang on, taste of Spitfire
Nice interlude from sight seeing
Travelling on a freedom berthing agreement called Passport Escales, we can stay at certain marinas along the coast FOC for just 2 nights, so we slipped our lines and headed west the next morning toward Saint Cast.