Saint Cast to Saint Quay

The passage from St Cast to St Quay was always going to be a gentle affair, with just 7 knots NE. So once we were around the first headland, the cruising chute was out the bag towing us along at a respectful 6.5 knots SOG.

Nothing much altered for about 5 hrs, the time it took to travel 28 miles along the Opal Coast to Port Armour.

Entering the Harbour was a mixed blessing, nice to be in and tied up safe, but the town is a little disappointing, most of the architecture seems to have its origins in the 1970's - boxy and concrete.

Hendrix finally got the chute aloft, without a dunk in the sea this time

Hendrix finally got the chute aloft, without a dunk in the sea this time

Mr Blue Sky is the red pointer

Mr Blue Sky is the red pointer

Best part of the day

Best part of the day

Tied up on visitors pontoon St Quay.

Tied up on visitors pontoon St Quay.

Down wind with the chute

Down wind with the chute