Breakfast in the sun under the new canopy
Due to the fact that we have decided to sit out the windy weather and wait until Saturday before we leave, it means a day of boat cleaning and servicing to make sure everything is in good working order and both above and below deck is ship shape and Brizzle fashion. It was also a chance to try out the new sunshade purchased yesterday at the chandlers as the sun was back.
Because of the delay it also means that Lisa will be leaving "Mr Blue Sky" tomorrow before we leave on the next leg of the journey around the Frisian Islands. As a farewell treat while Adrian was on engine maintenance duties, Sue and Bob took Lisa for a farewell trip the local Penguin Park.
SITUATION VACANT - Communications Officer
Good communication skills essential with IT experience(blogging)
Must be able to throw and catch ropes.(warps)
Must have a good sense of humour and must not be of a nervous disposition
Cooking and making tea an advantage but preparation of gin and tonic essential
Must be prepared to share a berth with Bob(slightly susceptible to snoring)
Bob’s preferred applicant type
On a more serious note we will all be sorry to see Lisa leave the crew, her mooring skills have improved beyond expectation and her G&T preparation and cooking and role as communications officer will be sorely missed.
In the meantime while suitable applicants are being interviewed these two will be standing in for her.